Attorney David Werley (“David”) received his bachelor degree from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, his master’s degree in Public Policy and Leadership from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota, and his law degree from Mitchell Hamline School of Law in St. Paul Minnesota. David graduated from Mitchell Hamline School of Law Magna cum Laude and was the student commencement speaker at graduation. His speech reminded students to always practice law with compassion, understanding while attorneys are trained to be fact-finders, these facts often have complex emotions behind them. While attorneys are advocates, we are also seen as friends, family, and trusted confidants for many clients.

David decided to become an attorney while working in the health insurance industry, where he worked for nine years. It was during his legal education where he discovered his passion for understanding how the law impacts everyday people going through the most difficult moments of their lives.

Blue collar in his communication and approach, David prides himself on explaining complex laws in ways that non-lawyers can understand. David’s inherent personality of helping others, combined with his intense advocacy for the same, made his landing spot in family law a perfect match.

David’s experience as guardian ad litem, representing the children’s interests in family law cases, allows him to inform his clients on likely outcomes in their cases. David encourages his clients to take reasonable positions in family law matters, but also reminds his clients no matter how reasonable his position is, he has little power over how reasonable the other side decides to be. It is when the opposing party becomes unreasonable b that he wears the hat of fierce litigator, vigorously advocating for his client’s position.

Without question, David believes his purpose in life is to help and advocate clients through their worst of times.

Outside of work, David enjoys his free time by coaching kids’ soccer teams, camping with his family, grilling, and like everyone else in this neck of the woods, cheering on the Packers. David is always open for recommendations on nachos as well, as he is well-known for being a nacho connoisseur.

Contact David today to schedule an appointment.